been in austin for 2 weeks now, hmmm 2 more to go.
the first few days was unbearable, central america is not much of a fun, couple with the fact that i have no friends here, as compared to bay area.
is a different kind of experience, i will work till 7-8pm almost everyday (unheard of for me while in KL /bay area hehe), drive around to scout for new restaurant which i have not tried, go back to hotel to chat on msn, tune to tbs and watch sex and the city, will& grace and frasier....and will snooze off in no time. the same routine almost everyday, exciting ha.....
perhaps this stillness and serenity is much needed in my life now, give me time to rest, recuperate, recharge and reignite. no party to goto, no new acquaintance, and yes, no friends keep asking me "met anyone? done anything fun?"... hmmmm guess i'm just lazy and prefer to have fun with myself.
i use to tell people i can be alone and do stuff on my own, they don't believe me. guess i can testify to that now.
well i'm not alone anyway, cos HE is always with me, omnipotent, omnipresent.
cos im standing on solid rock, all other ground is sinking sand, get it dude? :-)