have you ever sat down in a crowded place, suddenly an epiphany strikes you, all the noises faded and you felt you were the only one in the world. come to think of it, it wasn't even an epiphany, it was just the scary reality of life, it grips you like an anaconda that is ready to devour every inch of your mortal shell.
was flying back to kl today, read about disappearing ice caps of kilimanjaro, dying corals at the great barrier reef, raising sea level that will submerge venice and so on..... at a normal day, all these news fail to ripple the dead sea of our heart. but when you are in the mid air, thinking of the possibility of crash and die, the reality of the end of time suddenly being magnify 100 times and you shiver from your core.
you suddenly search chapters of your life and see if you could find any significants that will justify your existence in the world, or in whatever realms that you believe you will enter when you take your last breath. we became so indifference, every misfortune and bad elements in life are honey coated with made believed happiness, LV wrapped joy, ecstasy filled enjoyment, donald trump endorsed success.
why am i whining? i'm not sure, maybe i'm just tired.
you tell me.