Christmas is stepping in again, all the jolly and cheers, headless chooks throng shopping malls with merry written all over the face, forgetting about economy downturn, forgetting about thrift temporary.
The other end of town there are poker faces walking soulessly, going on with their daily chores, some painstakingly, some with worry written all over, some wondering when is next meal....
There are so many needy hands reaching out to us for a share of warmth and joy, many times we will just walk away, subconsciously assuming they are only a bunch of lazy pretends, but then again, how well do we know about their stories?
I'm committing the same judgmental act, a lot of time have to remind ourselves to not judge the heart by its appearances, giving is unconditional, there won't be any sincerity gauge on their forehead to guide us if we should give or not, hence, just give!
"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16