in the beginning everything was quaint and simple. God intended it to be that way, adam and eve in the garden of eden, immaculate and holy.
the seed of wisdom creeps in, and then human fell, from the most honorable and intelligent to the lowest tier of entire earth lifeforms.
my orchid in the balcony tells me, you only want some fresh and cold air, all you need to do is live in the abundant foliage used to surround you, why do you need to reinvent artificial cool breeze that deforest the earth.
the sparrow in the sky chirps to me, you only want a cosy and comfortable place to rest in, why do you need to invade our space and pile up colossus concrete that none of you ever feel warm and secure in it.
the guppy in my lotus pond swims restlessly, you only need sufficient catch that will feeds your family, why do you need to create an enterprise to wipe out our species.
and then the monkey family were crossing their arms, and they say:
oh please, don't even plot us as one of your evolution milestone, we do not believe in evolution and we do not want to be associated with human being. in all the million years of our existence, we have never encountered such a low lifeforms on earth.
my baby came and ask me, the human needs to communicate to each other, all they need to do is walk to each other and talk, why do they need to use the latest iphone 3gs?
the human only need to eat like we do, why do they need to toil so hard fight so hard race so hard prove so hard and end up eating all the super healthy food that eventually cripple them?
the human only wants to feel happy like we do, why do they need to create so much, invent so much, indulge so much, induce so much? why can't they just swing from one branch to another and be as contented as we are?
why do they feel so proud and so happy and so boastful in digging so many graves and traps, and they willingly jump into them.
mom, why are human so ..... stupid.
"for with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief." Ecclesiastes 1:18