Flashcards of my life!

Thursday, August 16, 2007


walking through the morning dew, refreshing and exhilarating....the cool breeze embraces us with enthusiastic tribal dance of the forest.

my fist clenched yours and walk silently forward, not a single word, not a single exchange, the communication flow from the warmth of your palm travels through our tight bond, i can almost feel every single strand of your thoughts swimming towards me, i welcome it with childlike anticipation.

the warmth of the sun showered us in its full glory, i wipe the sweat of your forehead, and then our gazes locked, the atmosphere standstill, and smile painted on our faces seems to carry us further into our exploration.

the chill set me to cough violently, i sit straight up on my back. looking franticly for your clenched fist. i can't feel your heartbeat, i can't find your gaze, the air conditioner noisily sending more chill to me, my arms swim aimlessly in the pitch black, and then my tears breakthrough the floodgate, because i realize i have lost it.

我爱上让我奋不顾身的一个人 我以为这就是我所追求的世界 然而横冲直撞被误解被骗
是否成人的世界背后 总有残缺

Friday, August 03, 2007


i see the morning glory unveils, i see the serenity settles.
you leave your legacy all over the place, your signatures on all living beings.

i walked alone on the street, remembering sweet gesture others have bestowed on us, remembering betrayal others have lay upon us, remembering bitterness that seeped to the soul, remembering courages that propelled us, remembering foolishness that stumbled us, all these intertwined and seems overwhelming but yet there's an unexplainable symphony to it.

i see friends char by unfruitful relationships, i see people wails over lost possessions, i see friends turn on each other's back, i see people hopelessly devoted to idols, i see friends worship monogrammed luxury, i see people stand in awe of grand structures, i see friends losing themselves in woven misery....and worst of all, i see myself in all these.

set us free, let us flee to your eternal embrace. pick us from all these direness, from all these colossus structures that will be turned into worthless rubbles. teach us to see with your eyes, teach us to listen with your wisdom, teach us to touch with your hands, teach us to reach-out with your grace.

teach us to hate with your love, teach us to kill with your healing, teach us to lie with your truth, teach us to weep with your joy.

teach us to be on guard, teach us to reap your abandon harvest.

i see your grace all over, i see your love interleaving the hatreds, i see your hands scoping us up, i see your tears washing away the gray.

i see the omnipotent, i see three person that i admired the most, father, son and holy ghost.

please help us to help others to see.

because it is beautiful.

because it is eternal.